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What's Aeye Security Lab

The shortage of security engineers is a common issue facing the world today.
Creaters, operators, and supporters require those resources.

In such a situation, Aeye Security Lab would like to propose a solution - by Aeye.
Like an MRI, the “eyes” of “AI” crawl and analyze the body in minute detail,
Automate cybersecurity by keeping an eye on your site or app.
Aeye enables engineers to be freed from labor and obtain free time.

Human do what only human can do - utilize human ability like power of imagination, creativity, and problem-solving.
The evolution of cyber security is an era that leads to the evolution of society and humans.


The shortage of security engineers is a common issue facing the world today. Those who create, those who move, and those who support them all need those resources.

In such a situation, AI Security Lab would like to propose a solution. by Aeye.
The “eyes” of artificial intelligence carefully scan every corner of the body, keeping an eye on sites and apps like an MRI that analyzes them, automating cyber security. Engineers can be freed from labor and have free time.

Humans will move to work that utilizes ideas, creativity, and problem-solving skills that only humans can do.
The evolution of cyber security is an era that leads to the evolution of society and humans.

the latest news



~Webアプリケーション脆弱性診断ツール「AeyeScan」とのトータルソリューションが実現~ セキュリティマネジメントプラットフォーム「AeyeCopilot」を2025年4月より提供決定 株式会社エーアイセキュリティラボ(


株式会社エーアイセキュリティラボは、1月31日(金)に開催される、JBpress/Japan Innovation Review主催「第9回 サイバーセキュリティフォーラム(再編集版)」にて講演を行います。 事業継続性を高めるサイバーレジリエンス...


脆弱性診断を外部委託している場合、スケジュールやコスト、工数などの課題が発生することも多いのではないでしょうか。そこで、特に複数のWebサイトを運営している企業では、診断の「内製化」を検討するケースも増えています。 ところが内製化にあたっては、専門人材が社内にいないことも多...


2025年こそ、脆弱性診断に関するモヤモヤを解決しませんか? どこに脆弱性診断を依頼するべきかわからない、外注だとスケジュール調整が柔軟にできない、専門人材が社内におらず、内製化しようと思っても難しい・・・。 このように、いざ脆弱性診断を実施しようと思っても、様々な疑問や課...


株式会社エーアイセキュリティラボは、1月15日(水)~17日(金)に開催される、RX Japan株式会社主催「 Japan IT Week関西 」※1内の「第9回 関西情報セキュリティEXPO」並びに「情シス応援パビリオン」に出展します。...



  • インターネットとPCがあればいつでもどこでも診断が可能

簡単設定で AI により


  • AIによるログイン

  • 入力箇所等の自動判定入力値をAIが自動入力し巡回・診断



  • 巡回・診断範囲を画面キャプチャ付きの画面遷移図によりサイト全体を可視化

  • 画面キャプチャと平易な日本語によりレポート

AeyeScan is a SaaS type web application vulnerability testing tool that utilizes AI and RPA.

Test results are not only visualized in screen transition diagrams with screen captures, but also provide easy-to-understand English/Japanese reports.

In addition, we provide the functions necessary for in-house testing, such as issuing and managing shared accounts and setting up crawling test schedules.


AeyeScan is a SaaS type web application vulnerability testing tool that utilizes AI and RPA.

Test results are not only visualized in screen transition diagrams with screen captures, but also provide easy-to-understand English/Japanese reports.

In addition, we provide the functions necessary for in-house testing, such as issuing and managing shared accounts and setting up crawling test schedules.

AeyeScan is a SaaS type web application vulnerability testing tool that utilizes AI and RPA.

Test results are not only visualized in screen transition diagrams with screen captures, but also provide easy-to-understand English/Japanese reports.

In addition, we provide the functions necessary for in-house testing, such as issuing and managing shared accounts and setting up crawling test schedules.

AeyeScan is a SaaS type web application vulnerability testing tool that utilizes AI and RPA.

Test results are not only visualized in screen transition diagrams with screen captures, but also provide easy-to-understand English/Japanese reports.

In addition, we provide the functions necessary for in-house testing, such as issuing and managing shared accounts and setting up crawling test schedules.


If you are interested in our services, partners, collaborations, etc.

Please contact us from the below contact button.

If you are interested in various services, partners, collaboration, etc., please contact us from the inquiry form.

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